In 2015 and then again this Spring, MEF has supported the PBIS initiative in our schools. Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports is a school wide system for teaching, recognizing and reinforcing positive student behaviors, both academic and social. The biggest advantages result when all schools in the district apply these research based strategies so that students are supported and guided in similar ways. PBIS is actually more of an approach than a program in that it changes the ways in which the adults interact with students. Focusing on the positive changes in the nature of classroom and school cultures, creates a more enriching and inspiring environment.
You may be skeptical or even think that it seems “wrong” to reward behaviors that students are supposed to be doing in the first place. But–this focus recognizes those who do MAKE A CHOICE each and every day to be prepared, on time, respectful, participatory, etc. Further, by modeling it encourage those not there yet to adopt similar habits. Rather than waiting for misbehavior to occur, faculty are supported to teach behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following. This approach establishes a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
When asked about the adaptation of the program in our middle school, Dr. Phyllis Amori replied, “We have had great success here at MMS with PBIS (based on recent climate survey and numbers of referrals) and remain very grateful to the MEF for its generous support of this and other initiatives.”
After seeing great success in our Middle School this year, MEF provided the funding for a school wide field trip to the Bardavon to see Doktor Kaboom’s show. The show has been described as “A series of increasingly spectacular, and often successful, demonstrations of the physical sciences, with a focus on the scientific method. Doktor Kaboom utilizes the physics of space exploration to demonstrate clearly that SCIENCE IS FOR EVERYONE, not just the people who are already good at it. He also focuses on the message that science is not hard, it just takes effort.” The reports are in and the kids had a blast!!
MEF is proud to be able to support character development in our schools!!
For More information about PBIS, please see the website: